Trick For Link Building Trick
Look for broken links and replace them with a link to your site. Link building is an essential aspect of SEO.
Obtaining the links from relevant and genuine sites allows for a little bit of their trust to be passed on to you. Acquiring the links to help you rank better in the search engines. When building links make sure the types of links you are acquiring and they should be diverse. This means you will need links from various blogs, websites, articles, directories, and different news sources.
The best way to acquire links to the website is to replace broken links in others people’s content with links to your own relevant content.
Here’s how it can be done:
The first step is organic
Reach out to webmasters and bloggers when you are able to find a link that is broken. Then we all clicked on the link for more info to find an error, irrelevant, or outdated content. If you have a piece of content that is useful or that can be updated from the version the site is linking to, better to replace it and give them a reason.
The second is to actively search
There are various link errors, using free or paid tools that do the searching, once you plug in the URL. Here is a list of some amazing tools that will help you in finding the broken links. Below are some useful tools links:
Web Page Mistakes
W3C Link Checker
You need to Simply plug in the site you would like a link from and it will do all the work for you. Once you found the broken link, test the URL to see where it goes. Is it going to the page or content that no longer exists? The next step is to reach out to the webmaster or author to let them know about the same, point out the broken link and then offer your link to make it easy.
Useful Tips:
How To Find The Right Person to Contact When You Find a Broken Link. Almost all the blogs will have information about the authors right there. Use the email or contact form and reach the authors. You can also use different tools which are created for the purpose of finding the contact. Tools such as BuzzStream or Link Research Tools Contact Finder can be used.
Finding out who else is linking to the broken link. You can use various Open site explorers or tools to do this. Once you plug in the broken URL and you are able to find out who is linking to it, then it gives you that many more sites to go to for a replacement link.
If you had successfully replaced any broken link with your own content do let us know the strategy with us. For more detail on Link building and its tips, contact us today and book an appointment.